Student Performance
Standardized test scores are not the only measure of a school’s quality. These tests are designed to assess an individual student’s performance compared to all students nationally. They do not compare a school’s quality to other schools. Many other factors should affect your decision about which school your child should attend, including: educational philosophy, curriculum quality, teacher credentials, class size, location, cost, availability of resources, discipline policy, opportunities for parental involvement and communications.
Pre-K - Grade 2 Progress Codes
Emerging (E)
Progressing (P)
Independent (I)
Not Assessed at this time (NA)
Grades 3-5 Progress Codes
Letter Grade Scale (ELA, Math, Religion, Science, Social Studies)
A+ 97-100
A 93-96
B+ 89-92
B 85-88
C+ 80-84
C 75-79
D 70-74
E 69 and below
Achievement Code Scale (Art, Music, PE, Spanish, Technology)
I - Independent/Proficient
V - Very Good Progress
P - Progressing
S - Satisfactory
N - Needs Improvement
U - Unsatisfactory/Not Proficient
NA - Not Assessed at this Time
Grades 3-5 Progress Codes
Letter Grade Scale (ELA, Math, Religion, Science, Social Studies, Spanish)
A+ 97-100
A 93-96
B+ 89-92
B 85-88
C+ 80-84
C 75-79
D 70-74
E below 70
Achievement Code Scale (Art, Music, PE)
I - Independent/Proficient
V - Very Good Progress
P - Progressing
S - Satisfactory
N - Needs Improvement
U - Unsatisfactory/Not Proficient
NA - Not Assessed at this Time