Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
Arrival Procedures
Cars will pull onto Neifeld Avenue and make a loop in the school parking lot for morning arrival. Students will enter via the playground doors on Neifeld Avenue.
- Arrival is from 7:40 am to 8:10 am
- Please have your child exit on the passenger side
- Once you are stopped, children may exit the car if they do not need help from the staff
- Parents are not able to walk students into the building
- Students should go directly to their classroom
- Parents are able to park at the church lot and walk their children down
- If you arrive after 8:10 am, please bring your child to the Manns Ave. entrance (Main Office) and sign in them in
- Announcements begin at 8:15 am
Dismissal Procedures
We are delighted to share with you that we will be implementing the return of our pre-COVID dismissal routine. Students will begin exiting the building at 2:55-3:00. We will continue to use both the St. John’s lot and the St. Ursula school lot for cars to gather. We will also have students being escorted by staff members to the St. Ursula Church lot at the corner of Putty Hill and Harford Road. None of the lots are available until 2:00 p.m. If you arrive before this time you will be asked to move your vehicle.
To determine which lot best meets your needs please use the following guidelines:
- St. John’s lot - Use this lot if you are making a right turn on Harford Road, heading south towards Putty Hill Avenue
- St. Ursula School lot - Use this lot if you are making a left turn on Harford Road, heading north towards the Beltway.
- St. Ursula Church lot - Cars should park in multiple lines. The left lines will head down the ramp onto Wilson Avenue which leads to Putty Hill Avenue. The right lines will dismiss to Putty Hill Avenue next to the Spiritual Center. Cars will not be able to exit onto Harford Road.
Faculty and staff will be outside on all of the lots. Before any cars can move all students need to be in their cars. Please follow the direction of staff members. It will probably take a few days to work out any kinks. We appreciate your patience. Please let your child know what dismissal lot they should use. For our younger students feel free to share this information with their teacher.
Here is a video to review for the routine on St. John’s and the St. Ursula school lot. More details will be provided in this week’s newsletter.