Field Day Information

Dear Parents: 

This year's Field Day will be held on Thursday, May 26, 2022 at Belmont Park located at 8701 Walther Blvd, Parkville, MD 21234. There will be no extended day on May 26 as long as there is no rain and Field Day takes place at Belmont Park. If there is rain in the forecast and we need to move locations, an email and text message will be sent 24 hours before, and Field Day will take place at St. Ursula School. In the event it starts to rain at Belmont Park, Field Day will be canceled and all students will need to be picked up immediately. If Field Day is moved to St. Ursula, there will be morning and afternoon extended day, and we will follow regular school day hours with a 2:50 dismissal. 

Students should report to Belmont Park no later than 8:30 am. Upon arriving, students should meet their homeroom teacher at their designated meeting spot and gather at Diamond 1 for the prayer and pledge. The first station will begin at 9:00. Students will eat lunch with their grade levels from 12:30-1:00. Lunch should be brought in a brown paper bag along with disposable items only. Dismissal will take place from 1:00-1:30. Any children remaining after 1:30 pm will stay with assigned teachers. You will be charged extended day late fees if you fail to pick your child up after 1:30 pm.

PLEASE NOTE: There is limited parking at Belmont Park, therefore, please arrange for carpooling. Do not park along the side of the drive into the park, as this is marked as a no parking zone. Belmont Park belongs to Baltimore County Parks and Recreation, we are confident that our St. Ursula community will respect their grounds as we would our own. 

Below is a permission slip that must be signed and returned by May 18th to your child's teacher.

Field Day 2022 Permission Slip

Thank you for all your help and cooperation!

Mrs. Emily Brylske
Physical Education Teacher