High School Placement Test Registration

Students may now register for the High School Placement Test (HSPT) online at The high school admission page on the Archdiocese of Baltimore contains valuable information about the high school process and important dates in this unique year.  You may access this information by using the following link:   Below are key points about test registration procedures:

  1. Students/parents should register for the HSPT via the online registration portal.  The Release of Records form has been eliminated for those registering for the test online. When registering online for the test, parents will give permission for the release of records from St. Ursula to the selected high schools.  St. Ursula will receive a list of the high schools to which each of the students is applying. 
  2. St. Ursula Grade 8 students should register to take the HSPT at St. Ursula School on Wednesday, December 2.  Those 8th grade students who may be remote learners on that date should still register for the December 2 testing date.  
  3. Information will be forthcoming about the administration of the test for remote learners on December 2. Uploading of documentation for testing accommodations can be done online as part of the HSPT registration process and must be submitted no later than November 20, 2020.

Please be reminded that each 8th grade student is eligible for two excused absence days in order to have  shadow day experiences at the high schools.  These experiences are taking a variety of forms this year, so please contact the admissions offices of the prospective high schools in order to obtain information about available options.  In order for a student to receive an excused absence for a shadow day, you must submit verification from the high school confirming the shadow day experience.  There is a form available on the St. Ursula School website under the “Forms” tabs or the high school may send an email to Mrs. Madgar at [email protected] in order to confirm participation in a shadow experience. If the high schools offer shadow experiences on either October 16 or October 19, these days might be options for a third shadow day since St. Ursula School will not be in session on these dates.

Virtual high school fairs are scheduled for Monday, September 28; Tuesday, October 6; and Monday, October 19.  Information about these fairs and a registration form may be found by accessing the following link:

Please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Madgar at [email protected] or by calling the school office with your questions or concerns about this email or any matters related to the high school admissions process.  We are always here to help.  Thank you.