Info/Flyers for Week of September 3, 2018

Information/Flyers for week of September 3, 2018:

  1. Just a reminder that school will start tomorrow, September 7, 2018.  Grades 1-8 will gather in the gym.  PK will meet in the courtyard and Kindergarten will enter through the playground doors.  Your child may bring a water bottle.  Extended Day is available in the afternoon only.  Morning availability will start for those that have registered for Extended Day on Monday September 10, 2018.   
  2. Book Reports are due on Friday, September 7th.   The test for grades 6-8 on the required summer book will be on Tuesday, September 11th. 
  3. It is that time of year again where we want to reach out to all of our fabulous SUS moms, grandmothers, aunts and female caregivers to join us for the 1st Mother's Club meeting of the year!  We will discuss how to become a member, and what our upcoming activities will be. This is a great opportunity to get involved, meet other moms and have lots of fun! The meeting will be held on Tuesday September 18, 2018 at 6:45pm in the school gym.  There will be food and beverages provided so please RSVP to [email protected] so we can prepare for everyone.  Hope to see you there!

Flyers/Pay-It Links: 

  1. Dollar Days – This is your opportunity for your child to participate in No Uniform Days throughout the year.  To participate please go to this link for further details and payment.
  2. Fathers’ Club Ice Cream Social -  Friday, September 21, 2018.  Please see this link for details, registration and payment.
  3. Cheerleading Sign-up for NEW MEMBERS – Go to the Sign-up Genius link to for information regarding sign-up for NEW MEMBERS and availability.   
  4. Cheerleading Payment Registration -  Go the Pay-It  link if you have already signed-up on Sign-Up Genius so that you can pay the $35.00 registration fee (if not on the waitlist).
  5. Milk/Juice - If you have not already done so and wish to purchase milk or juice for your child please go to the Pay-It link by Monday, September 10th.  Milk will start on Friday, September 7th for all those who have already placed their orders.
  6.  Parish Choir - See the attached flyer for details.
  7. The Mass -  Walk through the Liturgy with Bishop Barron who “will help you understand how to fully, consciously, and actively participate in the source and summit of the Christian life.”  See the attached flyer for details.
  8. R.C.I.A -  If you are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, etc. please see the attached flyer for details. 
  9. Blue Mass –  This is the Archdiocese of Baltimore’s First Community Blue Mass honoring all Maryland, Federal and Local Respondents both present, retired and those who lost their lives in the line of duty. The mass is to unite the communities and individuals that give their lives every day for the protection of their City, Counties and State.  See the flyer for details.