With a focus on academic excellence, Catholic faith and values, and access to new technology, Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Baltimore prepare students for a successful future.
Info/Flyers for Week of March 26, 2018
Out of Uniform – As a conclusion to our Happiness Week, tomorrow will be an out of uniform day. We are asking students to dress in one of the three attires: Oriole, Spring, or Easter. The same guidelines followed with Dollar Day remain. Happy and Blessed Easter!
12:10 Dismissal – Just a reminder that tomorrow, March 29 dismissal will be at 12:10. Extended Day is open for those who are registered. School will reopen on Monday, April 9.
Service Hours - If you are still in need of service hours you may donate two books of Forever stamps for one hour of service or 3 reams (500 sheets per ream) of 8 ½ x 11 paper for one hour.
Box Tops – We are in the final stretch for our Box Top contest for this school year. As in the past, the winning homeroom will get to silly string Mrs. Glinowiecki on Field Day. So if you have 50, unexpired, box tops, neatly cut send them in with your child. Please put them in a baggie with the amount and homeroom listed on the outside. You will receive one service hour for every 50 box tops.
The Mothers’ Club Meeting – The Mothers’ Club meeting has been rescheduled for Wednesday, April 18 at 6:45 in the school library. Mark your calendar.
Field Day Volunteers - We are still in need of a lot more Field Day volunteers. Service hours do apply so, if you are still in need of service hours for the 2017-18 school year this is a great opportunity. For those that have their hours completed for this school year Field Day hours can be applied to the upcoming year.
Yearbook Order Form – You can still purchase a yearbook for $20.00. All orders are due by Monday, April 9, 2018. This is your last opportunity.
Fun Activities During Easter Break:
Dave & Busters – April 4th from 12-3. See the attached flyer for additional details. Sponsored by the PHSA.
Mt. Pleasant Ice Rink – April 5th from 2:45-4:45. See the attached flyer for additional details. Sponsored by the Fathers’ Club.
Chick-fil-A Spirit Day – April 6th from 12:00-2:00. St. Ursula will receive 20% of the sales. See the attached flyer. Sponsored by the PHSA.