With a focus on academic excellence, Catholic faith and values, and access to new technology, Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Baltimore prepare students for a successful future.
Information/Flyers for Week of May 14, 2018
Service Hour Opportunity form for 2018-19 – If you have not opted out via the tuition contract please go to this link to complete what service areas you would like to participate. https://payit.nelnet.net/form/hFZdWMPl Again, this is mandatory for all those families who have not opted out of service hours.
SAVERS - Don’t forget to get your “stuff” ready for our SAVERS Fundrive this Sunday, May 20th from 8:30-1:30 in the school parking lot. Remember no books please.
Mother/Son Sports Jam – If your plans have changed and you now want to come and have some fun with your son it is not too late. Please go to this link for details and to register. https://payit.nelnet.net/form/DV19cboV
Mothers’ Club Night with the Baltimore Orioles – Come join us on Friday, June 15th watch the Orioles play the Marlins. Deadline for ordering ticket is Tuesday, May 22nd. All fans 21 and over will receive a free floppy hat. Also enjoy post-game fireworks. Please go to the pay-it link for more details and payment/registration. https://payit.nelnet.net/form/Mht3XWen
PHSA Grade Representatives – The PHSA is looking for parent volunteers to be grade reps. Please see the attached flyer for details. It is a great way to know what is happening in your child’s school. PHSA Nominee Form
Check out some fun events at our local libraries on Saturday, May 19th. Fandomonium: Library of Comic Book Convention from 10:30 to 4:30 at Rosedale Library. Breakout Game at the Perry Hall Library, Royal Craftnoon at White Marsh. To learn more about the events, click this link: https://www.bcpl.info/events-and-programs/list.html#!/
Summer Reading - Look for summer reading guidelines which will be sent home by grades via the eblast system.