Information for the Week of December 16, 2019

  1. School Schedule – Friday is an out of uniform day. Dismissal will be at 12:10.  There will be no afternoon Extended Day.  School will reopen on Thursday, January 2. 
  2. Skateland Afternoon of Fun – The Fathers’ Club invites you, family and friends to an afternoon of fun at Skateland on Monday, December 30, 2019 from 4:30-7:30.  See the attached flyer for details. 
  3. Milk/Juice Order – It is time to order and/or re-order milk or juice for the second half of the school year.  The new order will start on January 8 and end on June 9.  If your child currently receives milk or juice and you wish to continue receiving this, you will need to complete an order as well.  For all wishing to place an order , please use this Pay-It link 
  4. Lucky 1500 Tickets –Don’t forget to return your tickets.  The first weekly drawing is this Monday, December 16. You will receive 1.5 hours of service for every ticket bought or sold.  If you would like additional tickets please contact Susan Williams at [email protected].  They make great stocking stuffers. 
  5. FACTS Grant and Aid – The 2020-2021 FACTS Grant and Aid application is open for ALL Archdiocese of Baltimore schools now through Saturday, February 29, 2020.  Please see the attached flyer for more information. 
  6. SUS Fathers’ Club Tuition Raffle - The St. Ursula's Fathers' Club will once again will be holding a tuition raffle. Prize will be the cost of SUS tuition for one student or cash valued at $5k. Each family will receive two tickets to sell. It is not mandatory to sell these tickets, however we ask that if you do not sell them please send them back to school. Cost this year for one ticket will be $20. Lastly, should you want more tickets to sell, for every five tickets sold, that household will receive a $10.00 Amazon gift card. If you would like more tickets or have any questions please contact Andy Rosenthal at 410-591-8844 or email at [email protected]. We thank you for your continued support! 
  7. 80’s Dance – Come join us for the Fathers’ Club 80’s Dance on January 18th from 7-11pm.  Please go to this link for registration and payment.
Lunch Program:
  1. Last Chance January Hot Lunch – Today, December 18, is the last day to order Chick-fil-A, Dominick’s and/or Subway lunch for your child in January, please go this link sign-up and payment.    Sorry no late orders can be accepted.
  2. New Good Taste Catering Lunches – New lunch menus are now available through May 28, 2020 for ordering.  Just keep in mind that you need to place your order seven days prior to delivery.  Please see the attached flyer for details regarding credits and field trips.  If you have already set-up an account you can use this link  If you are a first time user directions can be found on the school website.   If you have any questions regarding the menu or for cancellations please contact GTC at [email protected] or Jennifer at 443-686-1544.  Please see the attached flyer for details regarding credits and field trips.