Information for the Week of May 22, 2019

  • Knights of Columbus Scholarships - Bishop Sebastian Knights of Columbus is again graciously giving us scholarship money.  This money must be given to a family whose father or grandfather is a member of the Knights of Columbus in any council.  If you would like to be considered, please send a note to Mrs. Glinowiecki by May 30th stating the name of the Knight and his council.  
  • Summer Reading – Everyone in grades 2 through 7 should have received the information for summer reading.  If you did not please go to the school website under the “Parent” tab.  You do need to return the tear-off.    
  • Lucky 1500 Tickets – Two tickets for the next 21 week drawing are being sent home today.  All families who did not opt out of fundraising are required to sell a total of four tickets for the upcoming school year.  If you are interested in buying/selling more please email the school office at [email protected].  You will receive 1.5 service hours for every ticket bought/sold. 
  • Sweet Frog Fundraiser – Mark your calendar and join us on May 29th from 5:00-9:00 p.m. at the Nottingham, Sweet Frog.  SUS will receive 20% of the proceeds.  See the flyer for details. 
Save the Dates for Upcoming SUS Events: 
  • Pizza John’s on June 11 from 5:00-8:00 p.m.
  • Chick-fil-A Spirit Day on June 12 from 12:00 – 3:00 p.m. 
Summer Camps: 
  • Update STEM Summer Camp –   St. Ursula is hosting a summer camp in conjunction with Baltimore Robotics/Star Academy from July 8-12, 2019. We currently have eight children registered for the afternoon session (incoming grades 6-8).  We need at least ten children or the afternoon session will be cancelled.  We still have some openings in the morning session (incoming grades 3-5).   We need a minimum of 10 for each camp to run and there is a maximum of 20 spots available.  All information can be found at the registration link for the St. Ursula Summer Robotics & Drone Camp.