Information for the Week of October 21, 2019

St. Ursula School Information for Week of October 21, 2019: 

  1. Progress Report Conferences – This year conferences will be held on November 8.  We will have a 12:10 dismissal.  On Monday, October 28, 2019 you will receive a link so that you may sign-up for a conference.
  2. Tonight - Mothers’ Club Meeting - As the month of October is dedicated to breast cancer awareness, the Mothers’ Club would like to dedicate our second meeting to breast cancer awareness as well.  We invite all the wonderful women that care for our fabulous SUS students to our next meeting on Wednesday 10/23/19 in the school library at 6:45pm AND WEAR LOTS OF PINK.  We will provide food and beverages and bring you up to speed on our upcoming events.  It’s a great way to meet other moms, grandmothers and aunts throughout the school.  Please RSVP to [email protected] and we hope to see many of you there!
  3. Health Issues - We have had an occurrence of Hand Foot Mouth in the lower grades. This is a virus that is spread easily among school children. Please see the enclosed PDF for more information about this common virus. The most important thing for the wellness of your child, and all other classmates to achieve optimum wellness, is to keep your child home with any fever or symptoms of any illness.  If you have questions whether your child should be in school please refer to pages 24-26 in the Student/Parent Handbook.
  4. Halloween Dress-Up – Please see the attached flyer for guidelines for dressing up for Halloween.  We ask that each student participating make a donation of at least $.50.  The funds will be donated to SUS Faith in Action projects. 
  5. FACTS Tuition and Grant & Aid - Every 3 years the Archdiocese of Baltimore and FACTS Management Company enter into a new 3 year contract and finalize a new pricing agreement.  We have been very pleased with not only the products that FACTS has to offer, but also the dedicated service that they consistently provide.  Therefore we have renewed our contract once again. For the 20-21 school year the financial aid application will be $32 per application and $34 for the 21-22 and 22-23 school years. For payment plans there will be an increase of $2 ($45 or $47 depending on use of incidental billing) in the enrollment fee for families that have 3 or more payments on their payment plan (ex. Quarterly and monthly plans). There will not be a change of pricing for full pay.  The 2020-2021 FACTS Grant and Aid Application will open for ALL AOB school on Friday, November 1, 2019 and close on Saturday, February 29, 2020.
  6. Chick-fil-A Spirit Lunch – We will have a Chick-fil-A (Joppa Road) spirit lunch on Thursday, October 31 from 12:00-3:00pm.  We will receive 20% of the proceeds.  Please take the attached flyer with you. 
  7. Yearbook Orders – Yearbooks are on sale now.  All orders will be done on-line. Save $10.00 if you order prior to November 30th.  See the attached flyer for details and the ordering link.
  8. 80’s Dance – See the attached Save the Date for the Fathers’ Club 80’s Dance.

Lunch Program:

  1. Last Chance - November Hot Lunch – If you are interested you may order Hot Lunch for your child using this link.  All orders must be placed by the end of today, October 23, 2019.
  2. Good Taste Catering Lunches - Lunch menus are now open through December for ordering.  Just keep in mind that you need to place your order seven days prior to delivery.  If you have already set-up an account you can use this link  If you are a first time user directions can be found on the school website.   If you have any questions regarding the menu or for cancellations please contact GTC at [email protected] or Jennifer at 443-686-1544.