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Information for the Week of March 25, 2019
St. Ursula School Information for Week of March 25, 2019:
MidiCI Italian Kitchen Spirit Night – Come join us on April 3rd from 4:00-8:00 p.m. MidiCi will donate 20% of the proceeds to SUS. See the flyer for details.
Service Hours – Please send in your service hour card for recording. Just a reminder that you need to complete 25 hours by April 30th. May 1st will start the new service hours for the upcoming school year.
Lucky 1500 Tickets – If you have not already done so please turn in your green Lucky 1500 tickets. All families who did not opt out for fundraising must buy/sell a total of 4 tickets for the school year.
Spring Photos – Galeone Photographers will be doing individual photos on April 15th. Your child brought home the flyer and envelope to order photos. Only those students who have pre-ordered per the information on the flyer/envelope will be photographed. This is different than how it is done in the fall. Correction: All students can be out of uniform even if you chose not to have your child photographed.
BOOST Scholarship - The state Boost Scholarship application process is now open. For more information and/or to apply please go the Maryland State Department of Education website http://marylandpublicschools.org/Pages/boost/index.aspx. Please note, families have until midnight on April 17, 2019 to submit a completed application.
SUS Spirit Wear - Sportsline is offering St. Ursula “spirit wear” through an online store. Samples are available at school for viewing and sizing. SUS spirit wear is not to be worn in lieu of the school uniform. http://www.promoplace.com/xsellpromo/team_stores.htm
Lunch Program:
Good Taste Catering - Lunch menus are now open through May for ordering. You can order for the remainder of the school year, one week at a time, whatever works best for you. Just keep in mind that you need to place your order seven days prior to delivery. If you have already set-up an account you can use this link https://goodtastecatering.boonli.com/login. If you are a first time user you need to go to this link Boonli Registration & Ordering Instructions
Father/Daughter Dance – Calling all SUS dads and daughters. The Father/Daughter dance is scheduled for April 13, 2019. Don’t miss this fun evening with your daughter. Go to the Pay-It link for details and tickets. All orders are due by April 8th. https://payit.nelnet.net/form/iRAl2jaw
Last chance to get Discount Registration Fee for Early Registration to the Fathers’ Club Golf Tournament - The Fathers’ Club is hosting the annual Robert C. Jones Memorial Golf Tournament on Friday, May 10. Please go to the Pay-It link for registration and sponsorship information. Prices go up on March 31st. https://payit.nelnet.net/form/ZE53aqfC
8th Grade Student Council Animal Fundraiser – We will be collecting donations as listed on the attached flyer the week of April 1-April 5. If you chose to donate you will receive an out of uniform day on April 10.
SUS Yearbook – It is not too late to order a yearbook for the current school year. This is all done on-line. To order, visit www.yearbookordercenter.com and enter the school code: 8341.
Save the Dates for Upcoming SUS Events:
Five Below from April 6-April 12. Take the attached flyer to the White Marsh store and we will receive 10% of the proceeds. This is a great opportunity to get candy and items for your Easter baskets. Feel free to share this flyer with friends and family.
FC Skateland at Putty Hill on April 23, 2019. See the flyer for details.
Kona Ice is coming to Field Day on Thursday, May 2 at 11:45. More details to follow.
Savers – Start saving clothing and household items that you wish to get rid of for our Savers drive on May 19th and May 20th. Drop-off times and details to follow.
Sweet Frog on May 29th from 5:00-8:00 p.m.
Pizza John’s on June 11 from 5:00-8:00 p.m.
Chick-fil-A Spirit Day on June 12 from 12:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Summer Camps:
STEM Summer Camp - Is your child interested in STEM? Do they like robotics and drones? St. Ursula is hosting a summer camp in conjunction with Baltimore Robotics/Star Academy from July 8-12, 2019. There will be a morning session for incoming grades 3-5 and an afternoon session for incoming grades 6-8. We need a minimum of 10 for each camp to run and there is a maximum of 20 spots available. Sign up now for the early bird discount. All information can be found at the registration link for the St. Ursula Summer Robotics & Drone Camp.