​Information/Pay-It/Flyers for Week of January 14, 2019

Information for Week of January 14, 2019:  
  1. 80’s Dance – This is the last call if you want to attend the 80’s dance on Saturday, January 19 from 7-11 p.m.  The deadline for purchasing tickets is by the end of the day Thursday.  Tickets can be purchased at https://payit.nelnet.net/form/...
  2. Tuition Raffle – Please return any sold or unsold SUS Fathers’ Club tuition raffle tickets.  The tickets were given out prior to the Christmas break to the youngest child.  If you would like any additional tickets, please contact Andy Rosenthal at [email protected].  The drawing will be held at the annual Spaghetti Dinner.  You need not be present to win. 
  3. SUS Spirit Wear –  Sportsline is offering St. Ursula “spirit wear” through an online store.  Don’t forget to get your “spirit wear” before Spirit Day on February 1.  All orders placed by January 25 will be sent home with you child on Wednesday, January 30.  If you would prefer  your order not to be sent with your child, please respond to this email and you may pick it up in the school office.   http://www.promoplace.com/xsel...
  4. Re-Registration for the 2019-20 School Year – We will be sending out re-registration for the upcoming school year within the next few days. 
  5. Mothers’ Club Meeting – Moms, grandmothers, aunts and other fabulous ladies of SUS, please join us for the first Mothers’ Club meeting of 2019 on Tuesday, January 22 at 6:45 p.m. in the school library.  Food and drink will be provided.  Remember it is not too late to become an official member of the club and join in on the fun and discount perks!  Please RSVP to [email protected]
Lunch Program:  
  1. Good Taste Catering – January through May lunch menus are now open for ordering.  You can order for the entire school year, one week at a time, whatever works best for you.  Just keep in mind that you need to place your order seven days prior to delivery.  If you have already set-up an account you can use this link https://goodtastecatering.boonli.com/login.   If you are a first time user you need to go to this link Boonli Registration & Ordering Instructions
  1. Mother-Daughter Dance Party -  Looking for all SUS moms and their daughters to join the Mothers’ Club Mother-Daughter Dance Party on Friday, February 8, 2019 from 6:30-8:30 p.m.  Go to this link for registration and payment.  https://payit.nelnet.net/form/...
  2. Fathers’ Club Golf Tournament  - The Fathers’ Club is hosting the annual Robert C. Jones Memorial Golf Tournament on Friday, May 10.  Please go to the Pay-It link for registration and sponsorship information.  https://payit.nelnet.net/form/...
  1. Urgent Yearbook – 8th grade parents who wish to place an ad in the back of the yearbook need to do this by Friday, January 18.  Please see the flyer for details. Ad Flyer
  2. Yearbook Orders – If you have not already done so and would like to order a yearbook for your child please see the flyer for ordering information.  All orders are on-line. Yearbook Flyer
  3. Grow in Your Faith Flyer
  4. NCEA Parent News  - See the flyer about new education savings opportunities available for Catholic school families. NCEA Newsletter