Updates for the Week of January 4, 2021

Dear St. Ursula Families,

Today serves as the Solemnity of the Epiphany (which comes from the Greek word meaning manifestation). On this most blessed feast day, the Catholic Church celebrates the Magi's visit to see the newborn King and the manifestation of our Lord to the entire world. And although this feast day is traditionally assigned to January 6 (the 12th day after Christmas), it is typically celebrated on the Sunday between January 2 - January 8. 
As Scripture tells us, the Magi followed the light of the star to Bethlehem and gave Jesus homage and "and offered him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh." (Matthew 2:11). The Magi were seekers and as Christians, we too are called to seek Jesus and to recognize the unexpected ways in which He fills our lives with love. So as we begin a new calendar year, may the feast of the Epiphany serve as a reminder to seek the light of Christ and to share that light with everyone we meet.
On a separate note, I want to remind you that beginning tomorrow through Wednesday (January 4 - January 6), all archdiocesan schools will provide remote instruction to all of our students. That being said, in-person learners will return to St. Ursula on Thursday, January 7.
And on an additional note, the arrival and dismissal schedule listed below will begin on Thursday of this week and will continue through the entire month of January.
7:40am and 2:40pm  (SJ lot) Group 1: A-Dr
7:50am and 2:50pm (SUS lot) Group 2: Du-La
8:00am and 3:00pm (SJ lot) Group 3: Le-Sc
8:10am and 3:10pm (SUS lot) Group 4: Se-Z

On a final note, I want to share with you that over break one of our staff members contracted COVID-19. Although this employee is not a teacher nor does the staff member have any direct involvement with the students, in keeping with our transparent communication, we remain committed to updating our families whenever a staff member tests positive for COVID-19. 
Please know that we are excited for our young Huskies to return to class this week. We have certainly missed their joyous smiles.
And as always, we remain grateful for the blessing of you and your children who together represent an important part of our school family.
Joyfully Yours in Christ....Rob
PROUD PRINCIPAL of HUSKY NATION!St. Ursula School8900 Harford Road
Baltimore, MD. 21234