Information/Flyers for Week of 4/16/18


  1. Race for Education – Friday, April 20 is our Race for Education.  For those students who are participating you may be out of uniform, but no shorts please.    PK-2 will race from 8:30-9:15; Grades 3-6 from 9:30-10:30; Grades 6-8 from 10:45-11:45.  If you plan on attending  or arrive before 11:50 you will need to park on the St. Ursula Church lot.
    1. Reminder:  We will have a 12:10 dismissal.  Both the St. John’s and school parking lots will not be available until after 11:45.  Please make sure you tell whoever is picking up your child. 
  2. St. John’s Parking Lot – St. John’s parking lot is not available to parents from 8:15-2:00 on Thursday, April 19.  Please do not arrive before 2:00 p.m. for dismissal if you park on this lot. 

  3.  Summer Uniform  - Summer uniforms start on May 1st. Please do not start before this date. 

  4. Mothers’ Club Meeting – Don’t forget to come to the Mothers’ Club meeting tonight (4/18) at 6:45 p.m. in the school library.  Food and drink will be served. 

  5. Fathers’ Club Golf Tournament – We still have several foursomes available in the 24th Annual Father Robert C. Jones Memorial Golf Tournament on Friday, May 11, 2018.  Tee off is at 1:00 p.m.  If you are interested in playing, please contact Kenny Drury at [email protected]

  6. Ident-a-Kid – It is not too late to participate in Ident-a-kid.  Forms were sent home last week.  They will be here on Tuesday, April 24th in the morning. 

  7. Box Tops – Keep sending in your Box Tops.  8B is in the lead with 1000 Box Top, followed by KC with 750, and 2B with 600.  You can send in 50, neatly trimmed, unexpired, Box Tops and receive one service hour.  The winner will get to silly string Mrs. Glinowiecki on Field Day.  The contest ends on May 3rd. 

  8. Middle School Youth Ministry – Middle School Youth Ministry will have a Movie Night from 7-9 p.m. in the Spiritual Center this Friday, April 20th.  Vote for the movie you want to watch on Instagram!  We’ll have snacks and games so bring your friends. 

    1. Middle School teens join hundreds of other middle school youth for the “Rise Up” event on May 12th from 12:45 pm – 9 pm at St. Louis in Clarksville.There’ll be inflatables, games, service opportunities, breakout sessions, music by national artist, Ike Ndolo, as well as main stage presenter and beat boxer, Paul J. Kim.Cost is $20.00 to cover the activities and food.Registration packets can be found on the St. Ursula Youth Ministry website.Contact Jackie with any questions.


  1.  Letter from Principal– Letter regarding lead levels in drinking water. 
  1. Extended Day Registration for 2018-19 - If you are intending on using Extended Day next school year you need to register.  Please see the attached registration packets for those entering grades K-8 next year and a separate packet for those entering PK.  The registration deadline is April 27, 2018. 
    1. Pre-K Extended Day Registration
    2. Gr. K-8 Extended Day Registration
  2. Field Day Permission Form/Information – Attached is the letter providing details for the Field Day scheduled for May 4th.  It is important that you read this as it outlines procedures for a rain date, etc.  Also attached is the permission form which is due on April 26, 2018, as well as instructions for Field Day at Double Rock. 
    1. Field Day Permission Letter 2018
    2. Instructions For Field Day At Double Rock